Heating Insulating Ceramic Riser

Heating Insulating Ceramic Riser


Heating Insulating Ceramic Riser


Heating Insulating Ceramic Riser
Heating Insulating Ceramic Riser

Product Overview:


Heating Insulating Ceramic Riser is a highly efficient casting aid designed specifically for the iron, çelik, and aluminum casting industries. Its primary purpose is to enhance the quality of castings and reduce casting defects. This ceramic riser is made from high

quality insulating materials that effectively slow down the cooling rate of molten metal during the casting process, thereby reducing the occurrence of shrinkage cavities, gas porosity, and other casting defects, ensuring the density and mechanical properties of the castings.



Product Features:


Excellent Insulation Performance:

The ceramic material offers outstanding thermal insulation, significantly extending the solidification time of molten metal, ensuring the complete formation of castings.



High Temperature Resistance:

This ceramic riser can withstand temperatures up to 1600°C, making it suitable for the casting of various high

temperature alloys.



Structural Stability:

The straight barrel

shaped design ensures that the riser maintains its shape under high temperatures, preventing deformation or cracking.

Reduced Scrap Rate:

By extending the solidification time of the molten metal, the riser helps reduce defects caused by premature solidification, thereby improving production yield.

Ease of Use:

With a simple design, the riser is easy to install and operate, making it suitable for a wide range of casting equipment.

Application Range:

This riser is widely applicable to the casting processes of iron, çelik, ve alüminyum malzemeler, özellikle büyük veya karmaşık üretimde

şekilli dökümler.

Kullanım Talimatları:

  1. Seramik yükselticiyi geçit sistemi içinde belirlenen konuma doğru şekilde takın, kalıba sıkı bir uyumun sağlanması.
  2. Erimiş metal döküldükten sonra, Yalıtım yükselticisi, döküm tamamen katılaşana kadar metalin çok hızlı katılaşmasını etkili bir şekilde önler.
  3. Döküm işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra, Yükselticiyi çıkarmadan önce dökümün uygun sıcaklığa soğumasını bekleyin, which can be reused depending on the actual conditions.


Wear appropriate protective gear during installation and removal to avoid burns from high temperatures.

Inspect the ceramic riser for any cracks or damage before use to ensure its integrity.

Handle and store the riser with care, as it is a fragile item. Avoid impacts and drops to prevent damage.

The straight barrel Heating Insulating Ceramic Riser is an ideal choice for the casting industry, significantly improving production efficiency and casting quality while reducing scrap rates and production costs.




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