Чашка для заливки плоская затворная чашка

Чашка для заливки плоская затворная чашка


Чашка для заливки плоская затворная чашка



flat gate pouring cup
flat gate pouring cup

Product Description

Pouring Cup flat gate cup offers excellent performance characteristics designed to simplify the molding process and enhance overall efficiency in foundry operations. The products include straight pipes, Локти, and tees, all of which are engineered to improve joint quality and casting yield.

Тактико-технические характеристики
Simplified Molding Process:Pouring Cup is designed for smooth operation with steel and iron, featuring washing resistance that simplifies the molding process. They are easy to use, making them ideal for various casting applications.
Enhanced Resistance to Liquid Metal Erosion: Compared to traditional runners, these products offer superior resistance to liquid metal erosion. They also simplify runner cleaning, increase the recycling rate of sand, and reduce labor intensity.
Improved Casting Quality:The use of these straight pipes, Локти, and tees can significantly enhance the quality of joints between castings, leading to higher overall casting yield.
Defect Prevention: By saving runners on the inside and avoiding defects such as funny casting sand, the products help prevent issues like sand inclusion and other related defects.

Характеристики продукта:
Straight Pipes:Available in diameters ranging from 8mm to 160mm, со стандартной длиной 50 мм, 100мм, 150мм, 200мм, и 300 мм. Other dimensions can be customized according to user requirements.
Pipe Bends:Inner diameters range from 5mm to 160mm, with lengths and angles customizable based on user specifications.
Multi-Way Connectors (Трехходовой, Четырехсторонняя, Five-Way): Inner diameters range from 15mm to 160mm, with lengths and shapes determined by user needs. These connectors come with corresponding fittings.

Customization:We can organize production according to customer drawings or provide designs upon request.

Note: Handle with care to avoid violent collisions. The products are waterproof and moisture-proof.

Керамическая труба
Отопление и оскорбление стояка
Науглероживающий агент
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Ультранизкотемпературный морозильник
Реабилитационное оборудование
Телекоммуникационное оборудование
Редуктор скорости
Литейные изделия

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