


carburizing agent Product overview:

The selection of carburizing agent is generally a material with high carbon content and low impurities to avoid bringing too many impurities into the molten iron. The carburizing agent produced by the Company chooses pure carbon-containing graphitization material, which has the characteristics of high fixed carbon content, extremely low sulfur and other impurities, rapid dissolution in molten iron, and high absorption rate.

In the casting smelting commonly used charge for pig iron, scrap, return charge, the price of pig iron is relatively high scrap, greatly improvethe amount of scrap input, can reducethe production cost of castings, according tothe production of castings Requirements, choose different types of recarburizer.

carburizing agent Method of Use:

In the medium frequency electric furnace smelting, carburant can be added with the charge according to the ratio or carbon equivalent requirements. That is, only part of the charge is melted, and all the carburizing agents are added to the molten iron at a low temperature, and at the same time, the solid charge is pressed into the molten iron to prevent it from exposing the surface of the molten iron. This method can achieve the best effect of iron liquid absorption of carburizing agent.

Commen speafications

Характеристики продукта Fixed carbon% (minimum) Sulfur% ( highest) Volatile% ( highest) Ash% ( maximum Moisture% ( maximum) granularity
YT-1 98.00% 0.30 0.80 0.70 0.50 0.5-5.0мм
YT-2 98.00% 0.10 0.80 0.70 0.50 0.5-5.0мм
YT-3 98.00% 0.05 0.80 0.70 0.50 0.5-5.0мм
YT-4 98.00% 0.03 0.80 0.70 0.50 0.5-5.0мм

Stirring: Thoroughly stir the molten metal to ensure uniform distribution of the inoculant.
Addition: Introduce the carbon inoculant into the molten metal at a temperature of approximately 1400°C to 1500°C (2552°F to 2732°F). This temperature range is critical for the inoculant to react effectively.
Mixing: After adding the inoculant, continue stirring for at least 30 seconds to ensure even distribution.

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