riser de fundição aberta Riser cerâmico de aquecimento isolante de alta eficiência

riser de fundição aberta Riser cerâmico de aquecimento isolante de alta eficiência


riser de fundição aberta Riser cerâmico de aquecimento isolante de alta eficiência

open casting riser ceramic riser
open casting riser ceramic riser

Product Overview:
The High-Efficiency Insulating Heating Ceramic Riser is a state-of-the-art insulating material specifically designed for the foundry industry, including iron, steel, and aluminum casting. This product is engineered to enhance the thermal efficiency and quality of castings during the metal melting process. Made with a special formulation and manufacturing process, it boasts excellent insulating properties and high-temperature resistance, significantly reducing heat loss during pouring and thus improving production efficiency and the overall performance of castings.

Product Features:
1. High-Efficiency Insulation: Utilizing advanced ceramic materials and insulation technology, it effectively reduces heat loss, maintaining the temperature of molten metal and ensuring the uniformity and quality of castings.
2. High-Temperature Resistance: The material can withstand temperatures up to 1500°C, adequado para vários ambientes de fusão de alta temperatura.
3. Resistência à corrosão: Possui boa estabilidade química e pode resistir à erosão de metal fundido e escória.
4. Fácil de instalar: Design compacto para instalação rápida e fácil em vários equipamentos de fundição.
5. Vida útil estendida: Devido à sua excelente resistência ao calor e resistência à corrosão, a vida útil do riser de cerâmica excede em muito a dos materiais tradicionais.
6. Melhor qualidade de fundição: Ao reduzir a taxa de resfriamento do metal durante o vazamento, it helps to reduce shrinkage cavities and cracks in castings, enhancing the mechanical properties and appearance of the castings.

Application Fields:
Iron Casting Industry: Used for insulation and pouring of iron castings, improving the uniformity and mechanical properties of castings.
Steel Casting Industry: Suitable for casting various types of steel, especially when producing high-strength steel and special steel, providing better insulation effects.
Aluminum Casting Industry: Used during the melting and pouring of aluminum alloys, reducing oxidation and gas absorption, and improving the surface quality and internal structure of castings.

Instruções de Utilização:
1. Select the appropriate ceramic riser model based on the specifications and requirements of the casting equipment.
2. During the melting process, install the ceramic riser at key points of the pouring system.
3. Ensure good contact between the ceramic riser and the molten metal to achieve the best insulating effect.
4. After pouring, the ceramic riser can be reused as needed.

Before use, carefully inspect the ceramic riser for cracks or other damage.
Avoid applying excessive mechanical pressure on the ceramic riser.
Regularly inspect and maintain to ensure the best performance of the ceramic riser.

We promise that by using our High-Efficiency Insulating Heating Ceramic Riser, your casting production will be more efficient, energy-saving, and the quality of the final products will be enhanced.

tubo cerâmico
Riser de aquecimento e insulto
Agente cementante
agente de remoção de escória

Congelador de temperatura ultrabaixa
Equipamento de reabilitação
Equipamentos de telecomunicações
Redutor de velocidade
Produtos de fundição

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